What I’m all about!

I’ve lived in France for 23 years now.  I also lived three and a half years in Cairo, where I enjoyed learning 
Arabic and discovering Egyptian literature.  I majored in English literature with a minor in French, while hoping never to become a teacher.  I really wanted to be a lawyer.  I loved the idea of defending innocent people.  I think I used to say I’d rather pump gas instead of teaching….So here I am many years later and I’ve taught EFL for 13 years.  Helping someone who is having a lot of difficulty in English is what keeps me motivated.  I’ve set myself up as an English Language Consultant and I also sell English books.  I enjoy so many things:   reading, writing, painting/drawing, music, origami, movies, languages, etc….. Blogging allows me to write about what I love the most and that’s books.  My book club, that I started 7 years ago, allows me to share the love of books with good friends who have the same passion.  My favorite genre is literary fiction, but I also read some YA, chick lit, mystery, dystopian, etc.  If it’s good, I’ll read it!

Business Proposals:

I am for hire to write articles, proofread, edit, and read manuscripts.  I accept all genre, except for erotica, for review. Books sent for review must be proofread in advance.  I will not review any self published books or books that have been poorly edited or proofread.  All reviews are unbiased and my honest opinion.  They will be reviewed as soon as my schedule will allow.  If you’d like your book reviewed for a particular date, that request must be made promptly.  I’m open to reviewing  Advanced Reader Copies from established writers and debut writers.  For more information, I can be contacted at didiborie@mac.com.

Where else you can find me?


You Tube




  1. Awesome! Congratulations! I want to read with you, but if this title isn’t so great, I’ll wait for one that is more promising.


  2. Your blog sounds very interesting, living and selling books in France as an American. How long have you been living there? Will you be there permanently or will you be returning to the U.S. in the future? I hope to visit at least one country in Europe as part of my travel goals to. I’m not sure which one it will be though. By the way, I like to read, too 🙂


      • Yeah, it seems to be like that in most countries outside of East Asia and the Middle East when it comes to teaching English as a foreign language. If you have spare time, you could probably do some online teaching part-time. There seem to be quite a few companies offering English language classes/tutoring online these days.


      • Ah, I was just going to ask how were you able to get around the work visa thing as an American until I read this…I just discovered your blog. I understand your gripe about low pay in some of these countries. I was also an English Lit major and I am avid reader. Do you have a personal blog about your life in France? I’m just curious but if you have one, I would love to read it.


      • Unfortunately I don’t have a blog on my life in France. IT’s already quite a lot of work maintaining this blog and my You Tube channel. However, I enjoy doing it. Thanks for visiting and commenting! 🙂


  3. Lol…It seems we have a little more in common. I, too, swore off to never become a teacher though I previously wanted to and loved role-playing a teacher as a youngster. So, here we both go, teaching :-).


  4. Hey Didi, I really enjoy your videos on youtube and was wondering if you could recommend some French books, I am struggling to read some easy books but its not working out so far!


    • Thanks for the compliment! It’s still early days and leaning to edit is a challenge for me. If you’re reading in French and you’re just starting out I suggest Marcel Pagnol – Manon des Sources, la Gloire de mon Père et le Chateau de ma Mère. I loved these books and they helped me get used to the structure of French writing. If you want something a more adult like try L’étranger ou La Peste by Camus. Love Camus! Good luck! Let me know how you’re getting along.


  5. Oh okay, well I can check out your Youtube channel. Is there a link to that? I’m sure it’s somewhere on your blog though…


  6. I just discovered your blog through Laura’s link to your post on reading diversely. I can’t believe I haven’t found it sooner. Looking forward to reading more of what you have to say!


  7. OK Missy, I’m blowing my “play” money & all my spare time reading these books you keep recommending. I have devoured 2 in 7 days & am waiting on the arrival of 2 more. Please keep them coming, I’m enjoying every minute. It is taking me back to one if my favorite pass times of my childhood and young adult life. THANK YOU 😘


  8. Hello book readers. I recently came across the brown girl dreaming videos on youtube. I found the commentary, book selections, and discussion topics interesting. I appreciate the diverse array of literary fiction, poetry, and nonfiction books. I look forward to learning more about the book blog and video clips.


  9. 23 years in France?! #goals … although I changed my mind from wanting to live in France to wanting to live in Martinique (although it’s still sorta considered France, right?). But your blog is amazing! I also love your YouTube channel. You inspire me to step my reading game up : ).


    • Yes it’s been a long while living here with my French husband and 2 daughters (18 and 17). Yes Martinique is France. The French can go there with their identification cards. Thanks for the compliments on my blog! It’s always been a work in progress and my reading goals are always so excessive because every year I’m like the hungry girl at the Chinese buffet who fills her plate with more than she can actually eat. lol! It’s 2016 and I’m going to try to roll with it and read loads of good books. Thanks for the compliment on my YT channel! I need to learn more about editing. More challenges for 2016 and the future….


  10. I have been a follower and lover of your blog for quite some time now!! I love the depth of your reviews, and the diversity in novels you read. I would love to know about how you got started teaching in France? My degree is in English literature and I took several French courses in college because I am in love with French language and culture. My dream is to someday teach in France, but I definitely need to sharpen my language skills. What avenue did you take to begin teaching there?


    • I have an English lit BA with a minor in French. I also obtained a TEFL diploma before getting some jobs. Teaching in France unfortunately doesn’t pay. The pay is better in Asia and the Gulf region.


  11. I came to your blog from the review you posted about Ruby on goodreads. I have a tight deadline for a project I am working on at the moment. Hopefully next week I’ll have time to read more of your reviews.


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