Another Country

It’s the late fifties in New York and Another Country begins following the ineffaceable Rufus Scott.  He’s a jazz musician whose luck seems to have run out.  From there the story of Another Country unfolds in three parts to uncover artists on their journey to survive life among racial unrest, misguided friendships, vacillating sexuality, societal pressures, and all while discovering a myriad of unlikable, flawed characters.

Another Country is a slow burn of a story that will suck you in and keep you hooked.  It’s not a story of plot. It is a novel which is purely character development.  Each character is introduced in juxtaposition with another character to stress their faults.  The IMG_0956characters are placed in a setting that can only make their development thought-provoking.  We as readers are like flies on the wall observing this unavoidable train wreck between “friends”.  The tension is continuous.  The language is clever, direct, and depicts a lot of the criticisms Baldwin had on race, sexuality, and life in the United States at that time.

Rufus’s sister Ida is Baldwin’s mouth piece.  Every phrase and critic she makes throughout the novel espouses Baldwin’s beliefs on race relations at that time in the United States.  “What you people don’t know ” she said, “is that life is a bitch, baby.  It’s the biggest hype going.  You don’t have any experience in paying  your dues and it’s going to be rough on you, baby, when the deal goes down.  They’re lots of back dues to be collected, and I know damn well you haven’t got a penny saved.” (Another Country, p. 343)  This is what Ida says to Cass towards the end of the novel in a taxi on their way to a club on Seventh Avenue, to see a lowdown man called Steve Ellis.  Steve Ellis looks down on blacks yet he’s quite happy to use black women to fulfil his desires.  Ida’s rage is spewed out on these few pages. She’s confronting Cass who is the antithesis of her.  Cass is white from a privileged family and tries to appear to be sympathetic to blacks when in fact she’s afraid of them.  She lives in the world and doesn’t see what surrounds her – racial injustice.  She is consumed in her own petty life.  Most of the characters in this group are the same way.  Eric is the only character that is honest, who sees the difficulties, and is honest about his role, even when he’s betraying a friend.

Richard, Cass’s husband, is a self absorbent racist, who believes he’s an intellectual and a good writer.  His character is cold, calculating, and unfeeling.  It’s impossible that he could ever really be a successful writer, and he refuses to admit it to himself.  Vivaldo is the character that I liked the most, in spite of his terrible faults.  He’s ambivalent at times about his sexuality, but his love for Ida seems to be real yet unattainable.  Unfortunately, they are on opposite sides.  Ida can never love a white man without taunting him and making him feel some sort of guilt that their relationship is wrong.  She shares a part of that guilt as well.  On the other hand, Vivaldo has a slight fetish for black women so when he says he loves Ida, his jealousy rages and he always seems to treat Ida as property or as if she’s a loose woman – very unsettling.  The thing is he doesn’t even realise it.  Moreover, that’s not all he doesn’t realise.  He seems to make light of the difficulties that blacks have in society and refuses to see the differences.

So as you can see the novel has so many layers with so many themes and the characters are flawed just enough to learn a lot about the time period, about life in New York for artists in the late fifties, and about different backgrounds.  I’d say this is by far my favorite Baldwin novel.  I’m sure to read this one again in a few years.  There are so many new things to discover that I’m sure I may have missed. So far, I’ve read If Beale Street Could Talk, Giovanni’s Room, Jimmy’s Blues and Other Poems, and finally Another Country.  I’m so happy to have had the pleasure to pick up his fantastic work and I urge you all to do so too.  Baldwin was one of the great American writers that isn’t spoken enough about in schools these days and we as readers can learn so much from reading his work.  As my reading continues on the road to discover more of Baldwin’s work, I’m hesitating between picking up Go Tell it on the Mountain or The Fire Next Time.  So have you read any Baldwin? If so what did you think?  What have you read?  What would you like to pick up next?  Which one should I pick up?  If you have read Another Country you can check out the video below where I discuss everything about it with one of my favorite Booktubers, Danielle from OneSmallPaw in a live show.  It’s not spoiler free so only watch if you’ve read the book.  I also recommend checking out Danielle’s James Baldwin series.




    • Yes it is. It’s what he did best was to deal with a group of characters and we as readers follow their development through everything. James Baldwin is a must read for American literature. Writing about homosexuality for a gay black at the time wasn’t easy.


      • Great to see his work coming out in the new editions and having something of a revival, great writing can’t be denied forever, fortunately societies move on, albeit slowly from prejudices of the past, even though sometimes I fear they only move on to create new ones. Love a writer that excels in character portrayal, I guess I’m going to start with this one, given you enjoyed it so much. It will be a contrast to the repressed character of Nora Webster I’ve just spent the last few days with, she was starting to annoy me immensely, thinks everything and says nothing and thinks she knows what everyone else is thinking about her. I wanted to shout at her, “speak you mind woman!” I’m guessing there’s few repressed Irish Catholic widows in sight in James Baldwins imagined world. 🙂


  1. I read Another Country just this month and simply adored it. I’ve been wanting to get around to it for months and October seemed the perfect time (it’s Black History Month here in the UK so I’m only reading books by authors of colour). The only other works by Baldwin I’ve read have been Giovanni’s Room, Go Tell It On The Mountain, and Notes of a Native Son, but I can’t wait to work through the rest of his bibliography.
    I’d deinitely say that Giovanni’s Room and Another Country are up there as my favourite books by him so far, probably followed by Notes of a Native Son, and then Go Tell It On The Mountain. I’d definitely recommend Notes of a Native Son, it was really hard-hitting and honest in the way that only Baldwin can be.
    I’m so glad that you and Elli (thebibliophile) talked about Baldwin several months ago and that I found out about him because he’s one of my favourite authors now!


    • You’ve read quite a few more than me. I think I’m going to read The Fire Next Time next. However still hesitating with go Tell it on the Mountain. Baldwin is definitely not an author to forget about. I’m enjoying discovering his work. Thanks for commenting Lydia!


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